
B.A.P's Facts

[ B.A.P's Facts ]

1. Daehyun has a mole underneath his left eye.

2. Daehyun enjoys watching YooHeeYeol's sketchbook.

3. Youngjae wouldn’t want his future girlfriend to wear revealing clothes.

4. Himchan started to have interest in 'hip hop' when he met a friend at college

5. Himchan thinks that his nose is the best feature and his philtrum is the worst

6. Jongup said his english name is 'Peater

7. Jongup likes playing video games, world of warcraft seems to be his fav

8. Jongup worst memory is when he visited america when he was young and got lost

9. Jongup doesn't work out much, his muscles are from dancing

10. Jongup grinds his teeth in sleep

11. Jongup likes necklaces and shoes

12. Yongguk has had fun using Busansaturi lately, he'll call Jongup like “Moon~Jong

13. Yongguk was actually born in Incheon. Leejakdo was whr he lived in briefly before when he was younger and he moved back to Incheon

14. Himchan and Yongguk the only member out of the group to have a f
emale sibling

15. Last year, Yongguk watched a movie called “World Invasion” with Himchan but he ended up with sleeping

16. Himchan older sister is taking too much interest in B.A.P. One time,she said. “Hey! Bang Yongguk is so cool!” and Himchan joked with her saying, “Don’t act like you know me, don’t take interest!

17. According to Himchan,when B.A.P have disagreeing moments, they level with one another and find a solution where they can all agree.

18. Yongguk has an older brother and a sister 6 years older.

19. Youngjae has one older brother 7 years older

20. Himchan has a sister 2 years older

21. Daehyun has one older brother 3 years older

22. Zelo has an older brother of 2 years older

23. Jongup has hyungs who are older than him 5 years and another hyung which is 3 years apart from one another.

24. When Youngjae first joined the company and met Yongguk, he thought “That person’s scary”

25. Before debut, Daehyun never imagined the difficulties that makeup would bring

26. Yongguk  really  likes  himchan,  calling him  "Chan"  at  times.

27The  girl  group  ZELO  wants  to  be  close  with  is  SECRET. If  he  had  to  choose  one  of  the  4 members  to  be  his  ideal  type,  he'll  choose  his  mom.
28YoungJae is a BIG fan of Jay Park.

29. A fan bought a magic wand for Himchan and he played around with Zelo by taking selcas together with the wand.

30. When Jongup was asked who he wanted to meet, he answered Jay Park.

31. Yongguk uses his hand injury as an excuse to make the members do things for him.

32. Jongup’s worst memory was when he got lost in America.

33. All the members of B.A.P are the youngest of their family.

34. When Jongup’s tired, Yongguk doesn’t wake him up and just dish washes.

35. Jongup made three cameos before his debut. Two in SECRET’s MV (Shy Boy & SLML) and Bang & ZELO’s Never Give Up.

36. Jongup really loves meat. Seriously, he loves MEAT.

37. Youngjae was one of the backup actors in SECRET’s Starlight Moonlight MV.

38. Daehyun’s dream of becoming a singer grew when he was younger after watching DBSK’s performances.

39. Daehyun is the last member to join B.A.P.

40. Daehyun has a thick Busan accent.

41. Daehyun loves to say “No Comment”.

42. Daehyun was trained and spent most of his predebut days in Nataraja Academy.

43. Daehyun wake up earlier than other members in the dorm and he is the one who waking them up.

44. Yongguk has failed his driving test twice now.

45. Yongguk stated that he doesn’t like tall girls.

46. Daehyun sleeps with at least three blankets on, since he likes being comfortable. He even took Jongup’s.

47. According to Hyosung, Himchan is the naughtiest member.

48. Yongguk can recognize each member by hearing their voices.

49. Himchan gets jealous when Yongguk & Zelo hang around each other.

50. When Zelo first met Daehyun, he thought Daehyun was younger than him.

51. When Daehyun first joined TSE, he went up to Secret and asked, “Can you sign this for me..”

52. Yongguk’s a peacemaker. He’s also very soft-hearted so he cries often.

53. Daehyun’s friends laugh when people call him "Busan Wonbin".


I love KPOP

最近超迷 B.A.P 和 T-Ara 的说! 我爱死你们!!!!

By BomeeBii


B.A.P Saranghae!!

最近好迷 B.A.P 哦!!!好爱他们,SARANGHAEYO!♥ 上面这张呢,嘿嘿,就是我最爱de 力灿 啦!!
力灿 = HIM CHAN 



我想问一问,有谁是POP饭?呃,不是 K-POP、E-POP de POP,是POPTEEN丫!!有谁有谁??哈哈。我是官野结以、河西美希和小光de饭。这里有她们de图图。第一个是结以,第二是小光,而第三是河西美希啦!不错吧。






By BomeeBii♥


有去 BigBang 演唱会de,我妒嫉你!!!

By BomeeBii♥




By BomeeBii♥


爱。文章 25

 你是那个常让我笑,我哭,我痛的人;我笑: [ 不管好不好笑,只要看到你都会不自不觉地笑 ] 我哭: [ 只要你伤心,我的心都一直在哭 ] 我痛: [ 是因为看到你和她一起的时候 ] ♥

By BomeeBii♥

爱。文章 24


By BomeeBii

爱。文章 23


By BomeeBii 

爱。文章 22

我在你眼里看见了你的厌恶,你的厌烦,你的恼怒;但我还是一样,让你在我眼里看见的是全都是 “我爱你”   

By BomeeBii   


爱。文章 21

上天让我遇见你,是我de福气,所以我要好好珍惜你 ♥

By BomeeBii♥

爱。文章 20

Just The Way You Are ♥

爱。文章 19

我一直以来都相信世上有奇迹,什么事都有可能发生。但自从遇见你,我什么都不信,只相信你 ♥

By BomeeBii♥


最近超迷 G-BOM de ♥
也希望 TABISAN 可以在一起 ♥
[ 喜欢 BOMTOP 和 DARAGON de 人,多多得罪了 ]

By BomeeBii♥


Bleach ♥

By BomeeBii♥


巴黎铁塔!!我大爱 ♥


爱。文章 18

You Jump I Jump,You Die I Die ♥

By BomeeBii♥

爱。文章 17

You Are Loved For The Way You Are. Don't Try To Be Different ♥

By BomeeBii♥

爱。文章 16

I'm so sorry but I love you... ♥  [ Lies ]

By BomeeBii♥

爱。文章 15

我对你那么好,你却抛弃我,去找另一个她;你说是我放不下,错,而是你贪心忘旧 ♥

By BomeeBii♥

爱。文章 14

我知道你不再爱我,But Anyway,要记得我爱你 

By BomeeBii

爱。文章 13

so CLOSE......yet so FAR ♥  [ Give Your Heart A Break ]

By BomeeBii♥

爱。文章 12

我不可以没有你,希望你也一样 ♥

By BomeeBii♥

爱。文章 11


By BomeeBii♥

爱。文章 10

我们可以回到从前吗?可以回到我们最美好的回忆吗? ♥

By BomeeBii♥


狂野?!我爱  ^ ^ 

By BomeeBii

爱。文章 9

你说我 CHEAT,是因为我好胜;我说我 CHEAT,是因为要你赢 

By BomeeBii

爱。文章 8


By BomeeBii

爱。文章 7


By BomeeBii

爱。文章 6


By BomeeBii

爱。文章 5


爱。文章 4


爱。文章 3


爱。文章 2

或許我們有一天會離開彼此, 但我不會忘記,當初你讓我難過的背影 ♥

By BomeeBii




在听着 “ 说到爱 ”……

Let's sing it out of Love......

So BLUE Today...

So BLUE Today !! 



Park Min Young

Park Min Young,The most beautiful actress in my eyes  ♥

This Is Me!!

名    :Priscilla 프리실라 

年龄:12 [ 好小  ]

爱好:画画 ♥  上网  

食物        :寿司 

饮料      :Lemon Ice Tea  珍珠奶茶

数字      :520 ♥ 

Alphabet♥ B ♥ I ♥ G ♥ B ♥ A ♥ N ♥ G ♥ N ♥ Y ♥ C

颜色      :黑 ♥ 白 ♥ 柠檬黄 ♥ 天蓝色

电视剧   :49天 ♥ 秘密花园 ♥ 爱情雨 ♥ 时尚王

歌         :All From BigBang  Shinee ♥ F(x) ♥ HyunBin ♥ Selena Gomez ♥ Taylor Swift

偶像      :BigBang ♥ 权志龙 

理想型   :JongHyun 

座右铭   :做好自己就行 


偶真的好开心,因为拥有一个那么久以来都想要的 “BLOG” 。所以请大家多多指教唷